But not too old. I drew these concept thingers last February while I was stressed out. They were my application for the NFB's Houthouse (which I didn't get). I can't decide whether I like them or if they're any good. The colours became more saturated after I went from CMYK to RBG. Better luck next time!
Here's my Flash animation reel. I've worked on way more stuff, but this is just what I like from the past few years (the beginning stuff is from last year).
If you're a reputable studio who wants to hire me for some freelance, get in contact with me! Also, I would love to work on some 2D videagames.
Here's my reel breakdown:
00:00 - 00:09 Contact Info
00:09 - 00:18 Riding Shotgun Spike TV Pilot (Animator - Copernicus Animation)
00:18 - 00:57 Garth and Bev BBC (Animator - Copernicus Animation)