Thursday, October 08, 2009

"O hai guize!"

A gamut of characters all facing the same way.............. :D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, July 06, 2009


I've been busy. I just moved! and my scanner is packed up still. Maybe more drawings soon? Until then, here's a terrible 5-second Flash BoltMan. :D

PS: There are overweight men in superhero costumes outside of the studio right now... ?
EDIT: RE Superheroes: It was the Trailer Park Boys filming something. Not so bizarre, however I did see a military plane flying VERY low over the city -- STRANGE!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


^Original animation cel from the 1986 animated series BoltMan and the Clean Power Crew!.... (brush-penned an old, old doodle of BoltMan. Coloured in Phrotoslop.)

^A going-away card for a friend. (pen and brush pen)
^Mummer's Day! (Coloured this sucker with CRAYONS! 64 pack with built in sharpener!)
^The rough of a birthday card I made for a friend. The final version was inked with a brush pen.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I am hungry.

Three quikies; frogs, all looking in the same direction... from photographic reference.

^This guy was supposed to be a caricature, butttt he looked too much like the original (a horned frog).
^This guy made me laugh at the time, but I think I was losing what made the original image so funny.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Something smells........ like shoes.

Do people not leave comments on blogs anymore? Gosh darn! I'm outta the loop again.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let's Rock n' Roll!

^An intelligent artist would have started out with a line of action, and possibly a gesture. I started with the head.

^Frenzy Cat
^Space Cat

Friday, February 06, 2009

Agahbagagah 2

That drawing was bad! I deleted the post that used to be here, and replaced it with the following:

^Ryan was drawing a bucket one evening... so I did too. Inspired by playing not enough MegaMan 9.

^A poor drawing, but it makes me chuckle... so it's not really that bad of a drawring, is it?

^Gribbit with a 'stache. hehe^Trying to figure out some Critter construction...^Trying to redesign BoltMan for a little sompthin' sompthin'.

PS: Cave Story is an awesome game. It's coming out for WiiWare sometime soon!! Woohoo!

PPS: A bubble tea store is finally opening up here -- and on the way to work, too!